Our Instructors

Victoria McGullam Anderson

A high level business woman who is constantly growing and learning. Her passion of yoga began 16 years ago when she needed something to ground her with the chaos of business ventures. Victoria is a Lead Yogi creating experiences around the globe for her friends and clients hosting retreats that impact our lives in amazing ways. Victoria’s certifications are vast, 500RYT yoga instructor, Master NLP practitioner, hypnotherapist, timeline techniques practitioner, EFT teachings, yoga dharma coach. Her extensive knowledge has expanded and she holds certifications in restorative yoga, meditation, pranayama mantras and mudras, yoga for injuries, prenatal yoga, Ayurveda and she is a master at the Hero’s Journey Asana Vinyasa. She has also trained with the Andean Shamans to support healing in her community. The immense love for yoga while living the yogic lifestyle has brought her to share with not only the Tucson community but with the globe. An honor that she continues to cherish.

Meet Delia Calixte Mance, a Native St. Lucian, businesswoman and life discovery guide. Delia Grew up on the island of St. Lucia and moved to the US in her late teen years. After getting her education and working in the beautiful USA, the island started calling her back home. She now hosts private and public retreats welcoming us to her home and lifestyle as a local in the beautiful city of Castries. Delia has the privilege of combining her local knowledge and her life skills to create the most unique experiences for all the guests coming to visit her on the island. It doesn’t just stop there, the best is yet to come!

Delia Calixte Mance